- Lionel Jadot, Billie Jean, 2020
- Lionel Jadot, Black Catapillar, 2020
- Lionel Jadot, Frozen Culture, 2020
- Lionel Jadot, Heavy Chilling , 2019
- Lionel Jadot, i Studebaker, 2020
- Lionel Jadot, Left at the End of the Corridor, 2020
- Lionel Jadot, Let Me Talk, 2020
- Lionel Jadot, Open Your Eyes, 2020
- Lionel Jadot, Plaster Whip, 2020
- Lionel Jadot, Plexi Shell, 2020
- Lionel Jadot, Raw Skate, 2020
- Lionel Jadot, Reverso Mustang, 2020
- Lionel Jadot, Sit in my Valley, 2020
- Lionel Jadot, Sit in My Valley II, 2019
- Lionel Jadot, Spring Swab, 2020
- Lionel Jadot, T-Shink, 2020
- Lionel Jadot, The King of Tiebele, 2020
Lionel Jadot, Sit in My Valley II, 2019